International Film Submission for 25th Seoul Human Rights Film Festival


International Film Submission for 25th Seoul Human Rights Film Festival

Seoul Human Right Film Festival, first established in 1996, is a non-profit human rights organization that communicates and cooperates with others by showing human rights films.
Everyone has the right to see human rights films. Every human rights film has the right to be screened everywhere. It’s because human rights are the rights to life itself. It’s because human rights films are films on every life itself.

To Defend ‘Freedom of Expression’
Seoul Human Rights Film Festival refuses any censorship of films. ‘Freedom of Expression’ is one of the most fundamental human rights. SHRFF aims to help establish a society that accepts and embraces differences, thereby, all of the minority groups in the society can make their voice heard.

To Spread Human Rights Sensibility
SHRFF invites you to the scenes of human rights violations all over the world, to the lives of people fighting for human rights, to the places where all the ‘differences’ are harmonized, and to the issues that every human being should pay attention to.

To Achieve Accessibility Rights and Disability Justice
Film screening area for human rights films must be accessible to anyone. Hence, SHRFF protect accessibility rights in our showing place. Anyone should be able to experience human rights films. Ability to read, see, and hear is not same for everyone. Hence, SHRFF creates barrier-free film screenings to meet everyone in different ways.

To Discover Alternative Films for Humanity
Scouting for various videos about human rights is one of the missions of SHRFF. SHRFF will challenge and stimulate the overly commercialized film industry to promote cultural diversity. SHRFF will contribute to expand a moving image culture for humanity.

More details on SHRFF:


1. Films that provide insight into human rights issues.

2. All genres including fiction, documentary, animation and experimental film can be accepted.

3. Film selection criteria are based on artistic completion and, above all, sincerity in dealing with human rights issues, irrespective of genre, format and length.

4. The year of film completion has to be 2020~2022.

5. SHRFF responds to the calls of Palestinians and joins the BDS movement against Israel.  Any film commissioned or funded by an official Israeli body or non-Israeli institution that serves Brand Israel or similar propaganda purposes regardless of the contents of the film will not be accepted. See details on BDS movement and Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel: 

■ The 25th Seoul Human Rights Film Festival will be held in September, 2022.


1. International film submission deadline: 3, April, 2022.

2. Entry fee: no entry fee is charged.

3. Online entry application link: 

4. Only online links for previewing is accepted. The streaming of a film must be free of charge, the number of previewing must not be limited and the film must be available till the opening day of SHRFF which is supposed to be September, 2022.

5. Every film is recommended to have english subtitles burnt regardless of its original language. If it is not available, a full english script must be submitted together with the screener. Deaf and hard of hearing or blind and visually impaired people may participate in the judging process.


1. The selected films will be announced on the web page of SHRFF and each submitter of the selected film will be informed via each email.

2. For each selected film, the submitter or the filmmaker will be asked to provide;
■ subtitles and dialogue transcription of the film in both original language(s) and English. The transcription must be identical to the screening copy. It is recommended to contain music and sound information not only dialogue.
■ stills from the film
■ a photo and filmography of the director
■ a trailer and the screening copy/data file. (Files must be in a format of either mov or mp4. SHRFF do not afford to screen DCP, 16mm or 25mm due to the outdoor screening.)

3. For Disability Justice
Every selected film will be screened with Korean Sign Language and Korean subtitles that relate narration and dialogue, music and sound information.

4. Publicity and Archiving
■ SHRFF can use three minutes of the film for the publicity. If the runtime of the film is under 30 minutes, SHRFF can use 10% of the runtime in maximum.
■ SHRFF can use the trailer and all publicity materials for publishing catalogue and other promotional purposes.
■ The final screening copy including KSL and Korean subtitles of each film will be strictly archived in the festival office for research and educational purpose.
■ Films can be screened at other human rights activism organizations, non-profit organizations or schools in Korea after the festival screening, if the submitter agrees in advance.
■ Films can be provided for annual or tour screenings for a cultural or human rights activism purposes after the festival screening, if the submitter agrees in advance.

5. Any conditions that have not mentioned above can be discussed between the submitter and SHRFF.



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